So lately I've been busy with some fun party stuff. If you follow me on instagram you'll know what I mean. My oldest brother and his wife are having there first child together! Everyone is so excited for them and can't wait to meet little Adam (love that name, and not only for the fact that I'm Eve). When we found out they are having a boy I know right away I needed to put together a shower. A while back on Hostess with the Mostess blog they had a freebie of printable, HERE. Its so sweet and cute, so we took those down loads and made our shower with them. Here are some photos of the decorations I put together with my mom!

We made a hot cocoa bar/ sweets table! it was a hit!
So happy with the way my circle banner turned out! I want to hang it in my sons room now!
One of the activities we did was to make Onsies for the babys first months
My Brother and his wife!
Us ladies!