Monday, November 29, 2010

Xmas is Next

Well thanksgiving is over and it was a great success! Time to get christmas decor out and getting presents bought! here is a few cards I made that i didnt get a chance to post!

This is my box FULL of the cards a made this year! and I only have a few left, and not sure if i should make more.....
EEEKKK! I love the wine bottle decor I did! its so thanksgiving like! hehehe

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy thanksgiving everone!

Thought I'd do a quick post before we head over to my in-laws house for Turkey! made a few more "thanks" cards and of course Xmas cards! Enjoy! And Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey day is here..

wow I got some many cards done yesterday! so Proud of my self! hehehe.
Cant believe that thanksgiveing is tomorrow! my mind is not ready for it! I think that my mind is somwhere in September still. time is going way too fast! aaaahhh!!
anyways Have a happy thanksgiving! Be safe and Enjoy

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cold day off

So glad and Blessed to be home today. Its my day off but its COLD out side! like 25F , sunny, cold. So I'm taking the day to work on the Xmas cards! I've got lots to do but need a break. dare I go out side? yikes. anyways Enjoy and leave some Love!

Secret Santa

Every year my side of the family does a secret santa drawing on Thanksgiving! that way it will give us enough time till Xmas! This is my second year making the name drawing cards. This year I used my cricut to cut out the "present" envelopes and the tages from the "Sweethearts" cartridge. Who would have thought! Then useing "wild card" cartridge; font, I cut out the names for each person. Then after we do the drawing you can use the tag on the Gift you are giving. smart, or what? I'm so excited for my family to see them! yay for the holidays!

I've also managed to make a few cards last night during our snowy night. Yes thats right snow in WA in November! Oh did I tell you how cold it is. today highs are 25F and lows 11F!!! 11?! I dont think i've ever seen 11F. I think i may just wear a hat to bed tonight.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stockings are Hung!

Its almost Thanksgiving and the Xmas cards are coming along great! Can't wait to start decorating for Xmas and get the tree.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Its almost here..

I love the Holidays! but this year its hard to believe that thanksgiving is 15 days Away!! And then is Xmas. I've got so much to do! We are already Xmas Shopping (but haven't really bought anything. hahaha) working on it. But in the mean time I'm trying to listen to Xmas music (I'm having a heard time really taking it in) and Making cards!
How do you try to Enjoy the Holiday Seasons?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

So far so Good!

I feel I'm on the track making my Xmas Cards for this year! had a hard time starting them, but after making these super cute cards I feel I can do anything *wink*. I remember last year my theme was Vintage Santa/ Vintage Xmas, and I enjoyed it. But that's not the reason we celebrate Xmas (Santa, presents, trees and all that) we celebrate for the Birth of Christ Jesus! (and well we still do the presents and tree and all that). The problem with last years theme is there wasn't enough 'Jesus' in the theme or pictures. So this year at Michael's I found "E-Z Rub-on" By Royal Langnickel with the Nativity pictures! That's what I'm going for this year. A little Vintage, very simple, Nativity/christian Xmas Cards! YAY I'm excited!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Simple yet Super cute

Some super cute bday cards! I never have enough cards to bdays! that my goal is to keep them coming. But I really really need to start Xmas cards! Yikes!.. coming soon..?

The font is from "Wild Card" Cartridge by Cricut! Don't you love it?!