Thursday, July 22, 2010

Table Tray Project

Started a new paint Project! I'm really excited about this one. I got the White Trays from Jo-Ann on sale for 50% off (good deal). I'm planning on buy 1 or 2 more just to have around. What I'm planning on doing to painting an image on the inside. So it could be all pretty =) and not plan white.
What I got here is a black "Graphite paper", basically transferring paper, and a design or picture that you want on the tray. I picked a 12x12 scrapbook paper that i really liked and wanted to us.

The best way to hold all the papers together is just tape a few corners down so it wont move (duh) and then just trace out the images you want to be transferred.

This is what the finished transferring will look like.

And then the fun part, painting.

I'll update as i go, really excited to get started and see the end produce. If you end up making your own project I would love to see it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Latest and Greatest

I couldn't help my self but make some more cards. All the scrap goodies that I got, got me excited and creative. The first 2 are materials from the video I post yesterday. Yes my first video Ever! Oh boy was I nervous. But leave me some love. If your remember I made a similar card to the first ones. I made one for my mom.

The other 2 cards I made a little while ago, but of course never made the time to post them.
The First one the idea came from Kwerner Blog (Love her ideas)
And as for the second card I'm not sure where I got the idea, I believe in a magazine.
Well I'm off to my 'day job'- (my night job is making crafts *wink*).
Enjoy and God Bless

Monday, July 19, 2010

Scrap Goodies July 19, 10

Alright! My first Video ever! I don't really like my voice that's why I haven't made one earlier. but now its time to get over it, and make more Videos! yay. I'm excited.

This is a scrap goodies video, in the beginning I said that my Bday was 2 weeks ago, I meant to say that it was a week ago oops. I guess i was really excited! Leave me a comment if you would like to see me videos from me or not.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Happy Birthday to me. ;-)
22 years today that I am blessed, to be who I am.

This is a photo of my and my mom back in Russia. I was about One years old, I dont believe I have photos of when I was younger. But I cant help but love this picture!